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Terms and mechanics of reimbursement:Payment upon approval %Payment upon completion of service(s)Other (Specify)Commencement dateCompletion date Phone #%Itemized costs of service(s) providedQCost allocation schedule (description of allocation methodology must be attached)Original AgreementPrevious Amendment(s)This AmendmentTotalPersonal Services$TravelNoYesAR Printed NameDateAppropriation CiteNOYESRRf(Answer who, what, where, when, why and how cost estimates are derived. Use attachment if necessary.)OtherCapital Operating*VI. Budgeting and Accounting Information :/Is this agreement using budgeted authorization?Financial coding to be charged Federal funds Date funds lapse Yes, Amount,Payment upon receipt of inter-agency billing(OMB Authorized Signature (as applicable)Yes, on detailed Budget Page6If Operating, is item on Inter-Agency Services Report?%Is item on Restricted Revenue Report?8(Format: Sec Ch SLA Pg Ln OR RPL # XX-X-XXXX)Services CommoditiesCapital OutlayGrants and Benefits.Federal Agency/Program/CFDA/Grant/Contract No.Federal Pass Through:Buyer Program Contact/Phone:Seller Program Contact/Phone:VII: Approvals & Certification: The buyer agency and seller agency agree to the terms and conditions above. In addition, the buyer agency certifies that sufficient funds are encumbered to pay this obligation or that there is sufficient unencumbered balance in the appropriation cited to cover this obligation. I am aware that to knowingly make or allow false entries or alterations on a public record, or knowingly destroy, mutilate, suppress, conceal, remove or otherwise impair the verity, legibility or availability of a public record constitutes tampering with public records punishable under AS 11.56.815-820. Other disciplinary action may be take up to and including dismissal. &FundOrgProgramBilling Email Address:Seller Vendor/Customer #Buyer Vendor/Customer #: Internal Exchange Trans (IET) Internal Trans Agreement (ITA) FundOrg Unit ProgramTemplate TemplateActivityLocation FunctionExp Obj)(Open Item # or Doc ID # (RS, EN, or AJE) Task Buyer Dept Seller Dept ComponentRequesting Agency (Buyer)Servicing Agency (Seller)`II. The servicing agency agrees to provide the requesting agency with the following service(s):EV. Schedule of maximum costs to be incurred by the Servicing Agency:MServicing Agency may not change line items without approval of Buyer Agency $IV. 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XPP?  D;A]4 @ ZxҩQNRjֆ  <The Restricted Revenue code identifies the type of appropriation funding the RSA. There are two major categories, operating and capital appropriations. Within each category Restricted Revenue accounts have been assigned for each Department. <~~   <ji XPP? %*4T]4 @ |nfG}E4 >%E <If federal funds are paying for any part of the service, mark the YES Box. Refer to your Department's internal procedures to determine the method of segregating federally funded RSAs for federal reporting requirements.<>~~   <ji XPP? A3K+]4 @  oMg-[8 9<:The detailed Budget includes an ABS Component-level Restricted Revenue Detail report. This report lists revenues anticipated to be collected for reimbursement of services provided. Revenues anticipated from operating appropriations are listed on the 51015 Inter-Agency Receipts, Restricted Revenue Detail report. Revenues anticipated from capital appropriations are listed on the 51200 Capital Improvement Projects Receipts - Restricted Revenue Detail report. If this agreement was documented on a Restricted Revenue report, enter the detailed Budget page number.< 9~~  <ki XPP? 6 UAu]4@ ܅ a ?O%kh <Mark YES if the Servicing Agency is considered a Grant Subrecipient, passing through all compliance requirements. Both the Requesting and Servicing agencies will include the amount on their federal schedule, identifying it as pass through.<x~~  <Hki XPP? !J,X]4@ ">iHĀnf$ ;<<Mark NO if the requesting agency is treating the RSA expense as a "purchase of service" (the same as purchasing the service from the private sector). The Requesting Agency, as the Grant Recipient, retains all compliance responsibility. Only the Requesting Agency will report the expense on their federal schedule.<;:~~  <ii XPP? "$]4@ _U@0޽$(K< <The detailed Budget includes an ABS Component-level Inter-Agency Services Report. This report lists Expenditure Detail items that are flagged as Inter-dept or Intra-dept. If this agreement is documented on an Inter-Agency Services report, enter the detailed Budget page number.<n~~  <ii XPP? H 3M]4@ `05Av5\ <See the Revised Program manual for OMB approval requirements. Follow your Department's internal procedures for RSAs within the authority delegated to agencies.<* A L0?Text 12"GAPK![Content_Types].xmlJ0*miG]`Hm6 Xwt?. g#Wi3E).+7 >ON ޑ1ˋz "+R RhB.} /<^ITխ%rHK4uK~I0xM e`|X}đ I`߽N4aG2$RKIZ)4(M9`ctB{m:f@`3n|O,ܗr޾jxR0T ,0@}WBLǬ5vPK!e+drs/shapexml.xmlTKO0W|_b$6A;[wT>}#j__~yQ}~Upxa2 olC/ -阐Z'`) F N.W96u7wa@q`unPK!*drs/downrev.xml\_K0C/fvs٨Q0&Hb&)I\oؘ{dTKҺh("unFW>v .Dkpۛ`vSRZ*FX%<= je-␩ҫj<3뻝(YV 3/5$r.S{}(RlSlrXEcMu^{<(bMZ$7ɌuY:90(]VaI{sٙfc8n.IĢx>1v߷p/PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!1_a ._rels/.relsPK-!e+)drs/shapexml.xmlPK-!*drs/downrev.xmlPK6 | ]A` * cnesgoda4 cnesgoda5cnesgoda5cnesgoda; cnesgoda= cnesgodaFcnesgoda>@dsgrgqX  ##!! ##!!?? == 33 44 --  $$"""" GG CC EE AACC==;;**EEGGFF??!!""           ** ##"" ## ** !!$$ $$--------$$((// // //-- //==44??== ?? 99-- ////66::7ggD Oh+'0HPd|  DSwavelyDenise L MoeMicrosoft Excel@g4`@ل{@M՜.+,0 PXh px ADEC RSA Revised July 2015#'RSA Revised July 2015'!Print_Area  Worksheets Named Ranges  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz|}~Root Entry FWorkbookSummaryInformation(sDocumentSummaryInformation8{