UA Logo

Please contact Monique Musick in Public Affairs, before using this logo.

ua logo reverse blue and white on black ua logo standard blure/black on white ua logo reverse white on black ua logo black on white
jpg format 300dpi
jpg format 300dpi
jpg format 300dpi
jpg format 300dpi
tif format 300dpi
tif format 300dpi
tif format 300dpi
tif format 300dpi
UA logo color horizontal UA BW Logo Horizontal
For additional formats (EPS, transparent) please contact Monique Musick at the System Office of Public Affairs 

Logo Use & Specifications 

The University of 桃花直播 logo is used for visibility and positive recognition in today鈥檚 marketplace. The manner in which we present ourself will play a significant role in the public鈥檚 impressions of our institution. The goal is to keep our communications simple, dignified and coordinated, for a positive and professional image. The excellence of our print, broadcast and electronic media is reflective of the University of 桃花直播 System, our three universities and System Office.

Each new design situation creates a new challenge. In a world where new communication vehicles and methods arise frequently, we must be flexible. This brief guide provides quick direction for the treatment of the UA logo in a variety of situations. 

UA logo parts: icon - the A - signature - the title - Tageline - Many Traditions One 桃花直播LOGO SPECIFICATIONS

The UA logo is specifically designed to identify the University of 桃花直播 System. This logo is composed of the representative icon, logotype and tagline. The signature is exemplified by a modern globe with stylize lines creating 桃花直播鈥檚 geographical location as well as representing the latitudinal and longitudinal lines of the globe. The three stylized lines also form an 鈥淎鈥 while referring to the three campuses which creates a statewide unit.

These guidelines specify how the logo and its colors are to be used to create a foundation for visual unity, impact and consistency when used in print, broadcast and electronic media.


Logo color specifications - spot color for blue in icon and tagline is Pantone 647, text is black

Logo colors on black background white text for University of 桃花直播 and tagline - pantone 647 blue for icon and rule line

Spot Pantone 647 should be used when printing spot colors and the process build should be used when using four color printing. If Pantone 647 is not one of the spot colors, the logo should be printed in black.

Black and white and white on black logo examples

Use black ink when printing a one-color logo. If not using black ink, you may print this logo in the ink required, although it damages the consistency of the logo. If printing two or three spot colors, and one is not Pantone 647, use the black and white logo only.

Diagram of spacing required around logo - allow 1/5 of x with x being the size from the top of the logo to the bottom on all sides if the hight is less than 3/4 inch remove the tagline


Since 2012, due to the need to adapt to more digital use and other print and online media we have allowed the use of horizontal logos.



Never recreate the logo. Do not substitute the font in the tagline or in University of 桃花直播. Adobe Garamond is the suggested typeface for body copy when creating a layout, although this is not the typeface used in the University of 桃花直播 logo.

Never use the icon/box without "University of 桃花直播". You may use the box/icon as a textural element in your designs as long as the entire is used in the piece also.

University of 桃花直播 is ultimately responsible for approving uses which do not follow the established guidelines. Such uses will be carefully and openly considered.

The basic goal is to meet the needs of the University of 桃花直播 without doing damage to the consistency of the identity system.


  • Never replace the typeface either in the tagline or in the University of 桃花直播 with your own.
  • Do not use the logo on a busy pattern or background that impairs its legibility.
  • Do not stretch any part of the logo at any time.
  • The format cannot be compromised: do not slant or rotate the logo in any way.